Welcome to the Koori Coast ...
...we live in this wonderful area of the Yuin Nation. For me, the Yuin nation stretches from Nowra across to Goulburn, from Goulburn down to the Victorian border and from the Victorian border in as far as Cooma - and that there is the Nation of the Black Duck... Anthony Moore
A painting of Gulaga by Cheryl Davison.
Rollover the black duck to see a
photo of Gulaga.
Many Aboriginal or Koori people from the south coast of New South Wales refer to themselves collectively as Yuin, but all identify as Koori. Since the arrival of Europeans, South Coast Koori people have suffered many consequences of colonisation, especially the loss of their land. Nevertheless, Koori culture remains strong and people along the coast retain their connections to country and are keeping their knowledge alive.
Images: Gulaga painting copyright Cheryl Davison and photo of Gulaga copyright Andrew Brown