
The following films and kiosk were produced as a part of the ARC Living Knowledge project.

Djambawa Marawili talks about Sea Country and sea rights (2007).
Directed by Katie Hayne and Howard Morphy, DVD 7mins. On display in the Australian National Martime Museum's Eora Gallery.

Saltwater (2007)
Interactive kiosk. On display in the Australian National Martime Museum's Eora Gallery.

Remaking the Yambirrpa (2005).
Directed by Pip Deveson and Katie Hayne, DVD 50mins.

Djuwin Women's Lore Council Bushfood and Medicine Walk (2005).
Directed by Pip Deveson.

Djuwin women's Lore Council basket making demonstration (2005).
Directed by Pip Deveson.

Gapu (2005).
Directed by Yirrkala Community Education Centre, DVD 30mins.