Living Knowledge Project

Rationale and aims

Science in Context: schools working with Aboriginal communities (SiC) supports the implementation of the Aboriginal Education Policy through the development of curriculum which incorporates teaching and assessment programs that are culturally appropriate to Aboriginal students.

The program encourages schools and their Aboriginal communities to form partnerships in the development, implementation assessment and evaluation of teaching programs and provides the opportunity for all students and staff to gain knowledge and understanding of Aboriginal Australia.

The project was designed to support teachers of science in planning and teaching Aboriginal community perspectives in the new NSW Science 7–10 syllabus (2003). It recognises that students need to engage in the learning of Aboriginal community knowledge to strengthen and maintain Aboriginal identity and culture.

The following were identified as objectives for the project:

  • Teachers' capacity to implement Aboriginal community perspectives in the NSW Science 7–10 syllabus is enhanced.
  • Teachers' relationships with Aboriginal communities and colleagues are deepened through authentic curriculum-focused collaboration.
  • Teachers expand their pedagogical repertoire by using the CD-ROM Our Story Telling I.T. as an authentic tool to capture Aboriginal community knowledge.
  • Students are engaged in the learning of Aboriginal community knowledge.
  • Improve science outcomes for Aboriginal students in Stages 4 and 5 Science
  • Develop teaching and learning programs and assessment strategies that reflect the diverse needs of Aboriginal students.
  • Provide teaching and learning programs with content relevant to the local Aboriginal community and students
  • Improved status for AEAs and Aboriginal community members.