Living Knowledge Project

Kempsey High School - How did we do it?

What is the aim of the Science in Context course?

•  To make education relevant to Aboriginal students post school life, particularly in employment and their future generally.

•  To empower Indigenous students to take control of their life.

•  To give experience in skills in gaining employment and self esteem.

•  To gain experiences in life skills, for example parenting, health safety, personal care, nutrition.

•  To show the valuable contribution Aboriginal people make in the immediate and wider community.

•  To be a vehicle for the students, parents and community to retain and foster their culture.

•  To value and protect Indigenous culture of the Dunghutti area.

•  To support students into the senior school and other pathways to careers.

•  To celebrate the wealth of culture of the Dunghutti and Indigenous culture of Australia in their achievements.