Who was involved?
Kempsey High School Acknowledgements
Dunghutti Community Advisors 2003-2005
Fred Kelly (TAFE)
Victor Buchanan (NPWS)
Linda Olive (DET)
Caroline Bradshaw (President AECG)
Muriel Kelly (DET)
Rob Mumbler (DEST)
Laurie Clay
Adelia Vale
Other nations
Garth Fatnowna (DET)
Russell Walker (Gumbyngrri Nation)
Dunghutti Elders Council 2004-2005
Ruth Campbell
Mary Button
Cedric Button
Noelene Button
Clarie Button
Aboriginal Support Workers
Kerry Moran
Steven Mumbler
Brenda Vale
Malcolm Webster
Andrea Douglas
Eileen Holten
Michael (TJ) Smith
Howie LeBrock
Also of course the students,
particularly James Dunn
Aboriginal Students Kempsey High Students 2003:
Bianca Daley
James Dunn
Alwyn Kelly
Patrick Kelly
Danielle Moylan
Cheala Nean
Joanna Nervosa
Laytonia Nervosa
Loanna Panton
Clarissa Quinlan
Felicity Quinlan
Lyle Quinlan
Douglas Ridgeway
Shimaya Roberts
These students’ ideas about traditional and present day interests and what they wanted to learn about were central to the directions of the Science In Context units.